Racism, identifying “as Māori conveniently” amid tense Parliament day 2023

Marama Davidson was ejected from Parliament on Tuesday after accusing the ACT Party of racial questions.

Ngāpuhi’s David Seymour attempted a Te Reo question in Parliament.

“He Māori ahau mo nga kaupapa hauora,” he said.

Rawiri Waititi of Te Pāti Māori said it’s clear.

Speaker Adrian Rurawhe denied Seymour’s request.

“Am I Māori for health purposes?” the ACT leader subsequently remarked.

The ACT Māori caucus asked the Government why it prioritized Māori and Pasifika for surgical waitlists.

“Is it acceptable to him that my Cambodian husband could be placed lower on a surgical waitlist than me,” said Karen Chhour.

“As a Māori woman I could be placed higher on a surgical waitlist than someone of a different ethnicity,” said Nicole McKee.

Greens’ Marama Davidson couldn’t handle it.

“The nature of these questions are absolutely intended to raise racist opinions amongst the New Zealand public,” said Davidson.

Parliament couldn’t handle that.

“That is a very serious accusation,” Rurawhe remarked. “I’m contemplating sending you out.”

For Davidson’s misapology.

“Standing up for racism is worth anything,” Davidson said.

The Government is revisiting the policy that requires Auckland surgeons to consider ethnicity and other criteria when scheduling surgeries.

“Where there is clear evidence that if someone is Māori, if someone is Pacific Island, if they are from a rural community or if they are from a low-income background, they have been languishing for longer on the waitlists,” stated Prime Minister Chris Hipkins.

ACT embraced its theatricality.

“It’s getting to the crux, not beating around the bush: do I have the same rights as everybody else or am I put on a pedestal and treated differently?” McKee stated.

It’s shameless for focusing just on race when the indicators include rural communities and destitution.

“Two issues with them using race,” stated Seymour. It’s lazy to address need. Māori are doing fine, thanks.

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, Te Pāti Māori co-leader, remarked, “I guess that we are used to seeing them identify as Māori conveniently.”

The Government is delaying universal equality standards.

I’ve requested the Minister of Health’s review. “She’s assured me it won’t be rolled out any further while that’s happening,” Hipkins added.

Politics above policy.

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