Iranian FM Confronts Palestinian Leaders on Israeli Crimes 2023

On Friday, the Iranian foreign minister spoke separately with Ismail Haniyeh, the director of Hamas’s political bureau, and Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the secretary-general of the Islamic Jihad movement.

Amirabdollahian condemned Israel’s “brutal aggression” in assassinating “targeted” resistance leaders and murdering defenseless Palestinian women and children. He stated that the Zionists had demonstrated frailty and exasperation in the face of Palestinian resistance.

Haniyeh stated that resistance organizations are “prepared” and “coordinated” to repel Israeli attacks. In addition, he lauded Iran’s political support for Palestine. Haniyeh stated, “Resistance will determine the outcome of this Zionist aggression, and the Israeli regime has no choice but to capitulate.”

With Palestinian Officials, Iran’s Foreign Minister Rips Israel for Crimes

Press TV reported that Nakhalah stated that the Palestinians will continue to resist until the regime adopts the conditions proposed by the resistance.

For the fourth day, the Israeli regime continued its airstrikes against Gaza. The most recent assault on Friday killed three Palestinians and wounded ten others.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, 33 persons, including six minors and three women, have been killed and over 100 have been injured.

On Friday, Palestinian resistance groups fired missiles at al-Quds for the first time since Israel’s most recent offensive began on Tuesday. Israeli communities near the Gaza border were also subject to renewed rocket fire. Thursday, a Palestinian missile struck the Israeli city of Rehovot, killing one and injuring several others.

Islamic Jihad has declared that it will continue to fire missiles at Israeli settlements and cities until the regime ceases its aggression and policy of assassinating Palestinian leaders.

The latest escalation follows over a year of incessant Israeli violence that has resulted in the deaths of over 140 Palestinians. It has prompted international cries for an end to Israel’s atrocities.

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