Azerbaijan has approximately million mines and unexploded munitions 2023

According to Trend, the Founder and Head of the US Roots of Peace humanitarian organization Heidi Kuhn said in a video message to the participants of the international

“Combating the mine threat – the path to sustainable development” conference in Baku that the territories of Azerbaijan are contaminated with approximately 1 million mines and unexploded ordnance.

She mentioned that while she was in Azerbaijan, she was able to listen to the experiences of those who had been harmed by mines.

“We are going to have to plant gardens in the places that were mined. Mines and unexploded ordnance have polluted the soil in around 60 nations, totaling up to 100 million pieces.

About million mines and unexploded munitions pollute Azerbaijani land.

Azerbaijan is an example of one of these countries. It is estimated that there are around one million mines and other unexploded ordnance scattered over the territory of Azerbaijan. Kuhn has stated that “we must unite and work to clear the territories of mines and prevent new ones from being installed,” and this is something that we must do.

Azerbaijan commenced conducting operations in November 2020 to clear its fields of mines, booby traps, and different weaponry that had been left behind by Armenian soldiers after the country’s territories were liberated. These activities are still ongoing.

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