Top Republican Demands Biden Energy Secretary Disclose CCP-Tied Meetings 2023

A leading Republican congressman presented a resolution Tuesday to force Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to report her meetings with several non-governmental groups.

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Mich., who chairs the House Financial Services Committee’s oversight subcommittee, introduced the bill to require the Department of Energy to disclose Granholm’s meetings with Chinese Communist Party-affiliated groups that have called for energy bans or sought federal funding. Huizenga amended the Save Our Gas Stoves Act with the resolution.

“The American People deserve to know if the Biden administration’s energy policy decisions are being influenced by entities with ties to the CCP,” Huizenga told Fox News Digital.

“My transparency amendment illuminates this White House’s elevated access to any groups pushing China-backed, anti-energy, America-last policies,” he said.

Emails show Biden officials investigated gas stove crackdowns earlier than previously known.

The Department of Energy banned gas-powered stovetops in February. (Brook Mitchell/The Sydney Morning Herald via Getty Images | Davide Bonaldo/SOPA Images/LightRocket)

Granholm met with Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) CEO Jules Kortenhorst in June 2021. Granholm’s schedule showed simply Kortenhorst and no agenda for the hour-long meeting.

RMI has received millions in federal funds for green energy initiatives over the previous two years.

White House Climate Czar met privately with Eco Group Pushing Gas. Stove bans

RMI’s lone international office is in Beijing, China, where it has worked with the Chinese government to explore fossil fuel transition. The China Clean Transportation Partnership, a green group closely tied to the Chinese government, includes RMI.

The organization created a blueprint for “China’s revolution in energy consumption and production to 2050” with the National Development and Reform Commission.

In February, Huizenga told Fox News Digital that the Biden administration had lied about wanting to prohibit gas stoves.

“As we learn more, I remain deeply concerned that the Biden administration has granted elevated access to an entity with Chinese ties in pursuit of a radical energy agenda that will raise costs on American families and small businesses,” he continued. “These actions cannot go unchecked, and the American people deserve honest answers.”

Republicans are fighting the Biden administration’s gas stove regulations, including Huizenga’s newest resolution. A Consumer Product Safety Commission member suggested a gas stove ban in January, and a month later, the Department of Energy proposed banning 50% of gas stove models.

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Mich., claimed the Biden administration’s “globalist agenda” boosts costs for Americans and small companies while bolstering Chinese rivals. (AP)

Rep. Debbie Lesko’s Save Our Gas Stoves Act would prevent the DOE from imposing stricter stove conservation criteria.

The Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, which would prohibit government funding of gas stove bans, is anticipated to be voted on soon.

Huizenga and Rep. Alex Mooney, R-W.Va., presented the Stop Trying to Obsessively Vilify Energy Act in January to prevent federal agencies from prohibiting gas stoves and other gas-powered products.

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