PM resigns amid political instability in Slovakia 2023

After a series of cabinet resignations over the last week, Eduard Heger has decided to stand down as temporary prime minister, potentially clearing the way for a pro-Moscow party to take control of the country’s government.

The resignation of Slovakia’s interim prime minister has introduced a degree of uncertainty into the country’s political landscape. Eduard Heger sent a request to President Zuzana aputová, requesting that she remove his authority to lead the administration.

Heger issued the comments in a statement, in which he said that the president had not accepted his ideas to resolve the political deadlock that the country is now experiencing. Up until the new elections that were scheduled for the end of September, he was running the country.

Prime Minister Eduard Heger of Slovakia resigns as political instability grips the country.

His departure follows a succession of cabinet resignations that have taken place over the last week, potentially clearing the way for a pro-Moscow party to gain control in the country.

Heger is quoted as having declared, “I promised you that I would try to lead Slovakia to democratic elections in a stable and peaceful manner.”

After the resignation of the second minister within a few days on Friday, I made the decision not to wait and yesterday I presented President Zuzana aputová choices that I consider as more stable and less hazardous than creating a caretaker administration for the remaining few months of this electoral period.

Samuel Vican, the Minister of Agriculture, tendered his resignation on Thursday following an investigation into a subsidy of 1,4 million Euros that was given to his firm. The next day after that, Foreign Minister Rastislav Kacer announced that he was resigning from his position.

Since then, the president of the country has installed a technocratic cabinet that will be led by Deputy Governor Ludovit Odor, who is a prominent banker.

In September, general elections will be held in Slovakia, and recent surveys show that people are turning towards the pro-Russia Smer-SD party, which is opposed to sending military help to Ukraine.

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