It is anticipated that the Liberal administration will make an announcement about the continuation of its multimillion-dollar federal program regarding firearms and gang violence today.
It has been reported by Ottawa that Marco Mendicino, the federal Minister of Public Safety, would make a statement regarding the work that the government is doing to combat gun and gang violence at 9:30 in the morning.
The federal government of Canada made an announcement in November 2017 that it will provide roughly $327.6 million in additional federal money over the course of five years to combat a rise in gun violence and gang activity in Canada. It is anticipated that the cash would begin to flow in the 2018–2019 fiscal year.

The federal government in Ottawa is said to be renewing a program aimed at reducing firearms
According to statements made by the government, the project encompassed efforts on the federal, provincial, and territory levels to promote “community-level prevention and enforcement efforts.”
According to what is stated, this also includes making attempts to “build and leverage unique federal expertise and resources to advance intelligence related to the illegal trafficking of firearms, and invest in border security to interdict illicit goods including guns and drugs.”
The Canadian government reports that the number of people killed by firearms in the country has been continuously climbing, reaching a total of 277 in 2020, which is 16 more than the previous year. In addition, the number of people killed by gangs has also been on the rise.