Catholic Bishops encourage dialogue to resolve political deadlock 2023

Archbishop Martin Kivuva, who serves as the leader of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued a call to both the opposition and the present administration, urging them to emphasize dialogue as a method of breaking the current political stalemate.

Archbishop Kivuva voiced worry about the harsh views chosen by the political competitors when he was speaking to the audience during the centennial celebrations at Holy Ghost Cathedral Church in Mombasa. He emphasized the possible detrimental impact on the livelihoods of ordinary Kenyans.

Holy Ghost Cathedral Church was celebrating its 100th anniversary.

Cardinal John Njue, the previous archbishop of Nairobi, and His Grace Hubertus Mathaus Maria Van Megen, the delegate of Pope Francis, were among the distinguished visitors who attended the important ceremony. Other bishops from neighboring archdioceses were also in attendance.

In light of the fact that the stalemate will have far-reaching effects on the nation, the Catholic Bishops have made it their mission to create an atmosphere that is amenable to fruitful dialogue and to encourage the nation’s leaders to have meaningful dialogues in which they put the welfare of the nation ahead of their own personal interests.

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